is he into me?

I saw this boy I used to like not too long ago and so I called him the next day and we talked. he asked me if I would go out with him ( in teenage terms that means be in a relationship with him) I said not now I have to get to know you better. he sucked his teeth, but still continued to talk. then the next day I called him, but he was not there so I told his mom to calll me back, AND HE DID! I thought that was a good sign. then in this conversation he asked me about my virginity. so I told him I that I was a virgin ( and I really am) and I told him that I was not not planning on giving myself up any time soon. then about ten minutes late we hung up and he said the he was going to call me back. that was at like 11:00 at night . well he did not call me back that night, but I was okay with that. but he did not call the next day either. now today I am hoping that he calls me. I do not want to call him because I do not want to seem desperate. so what should I do? should I call him? or wait for him to call me? what if he does not call me. I am really into him and I want to be with him but I have to know if he really likes me, and how am I supposed to find that out if he never calls me. oh please please please please help me with this situation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Answer #1

Hes not gonna call you back because you told him you werent planning on giving up your virginity anytime soon….get it? Why do you think he asked? He obviously wants more than you are willing to give. (stick with your decision) Dont waste your time on him!

Answer #2

Calm down ok

at first u said u need to know this guy better and then he calls u back u talk then he tells u to wait for him to call u back, now he is doing a trick where the women waits and waits and she thinks she likes him but u really don’t so all u do is call him tell him why did’nt u call me if he thinks ur desperate that’s his problem u have more then 1 guy out there to love just call him

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