Is he cheating on me?

I’m 14 and my boyfriend is 18 and we have a 4 month old baby together .he has a car and I was putting some shopping in the boot and found a tied up black bag that had been cut down to like the size of a sandwich bag and I opened it and god!!! There were at least 12 empty cndm wrappers in there. I sleep with him and we use them but why would he put them in the boot of his car the wrappers. I’ve checked his emails, phone and msn but there are from his sister, mum or auntie. I never thought he’d cheat on me. He dotes on our baby and take her out for walks buys her loadsa presents and is a really good dad. Do you think he is cheating?

Answer #1

I’m personally a very paranoid person… and finding empty condom wrappers in his car… I would automatically think he was cheating. You have a child together and that is the last thing you need. I think if you can find any proof, you should sit him down and tell him what you found in his car. If you think this will ruin your relationship.. then maybe you should leave it until you find real proof. If you trust this guy then I’d wait. Women can drive men away with paranoyer. So be careful Good Luck Kirsty x

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