Is he a baby Einstein or not?

What should my baby be doing by the time he is one month old?

Answer #1

Same thing pretty much when there born. There still a little bit to young to crawl and stuff. Maybe eating a little bit more and smiling and pooping a lot more lol…

Answer #2

nothing…eatin, poopin, peein and sleepin…they may stay awake a lil longer but thats about it, they are starting to focus a lot more too! My son is 8 wks and is just now starting to smile at you as you talk to him, hes batting at things and can keep steady eye contact on you! If you are curiuos about the developement of your child, check out kid websites, search baby developement and read more about it! enjoy your baby! they grow up quick

Answer #3

This website is great and has a ton of information on milestones and baby care.

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