Is cursing bad

Will you go 2 hell if you curse a lot

Answer #1

Cursing is a clear outward sign that you’re not saved at this time - the tongue is sharper than any two-edged sword - a saved person strives to please their Lord and Savior in all that they do and SAY…Hope this helps !!

Answer #2

No, its not true that you’ll go to hell if you curse allot. You’ll put god in vain if you use his name in swear words but, all you need to do is repent and try not to curse so much. I don’t understand why people are thinking that god is going to punnish them because we’re his children and he loves us all. So, don’t ever! think that if you curse you’ll go to hell.

Answer #3

Curse words have become nothing more than nonsense words, most of which no one even knows meaning of, so why everyone thinks they’re so offensive is beyond me.

BUT, just because they’re nothing more than words doesn’t mean they don’t have value. Words are valuable, and it took curse words a long time to evolve to what they are today. If somehow everyone got over the fact that they’re mostly in no way offensive, they’d lose their value as curse words, leaving us nothing to say when it’s most appropriate.

Answer #4

everyone who knows me knows that im a really good person but…I do have what they call a truckers mouth. Not around the elderly or kids so much but when im with my people and im relaxed its my mouth that has the bad words coming out of it. im me and people like me for me. I do however hate the c word thats my pet hate. I slap anyone who says it. Dont kow why ??

Answer #5

Cursing is just one individuals lack of command of the language which they speak. Any individual who needs to use a swear word in place of a well thought out statement says a lot about themselves and more importantly about the lack of respect for the hearer. Ever heard the expresion, “ think, before you speak?”

Answer #6

What would you think of your savior, if curse words came out of his mouth?

Can you picture Jesus doing this??

We are to be like him.

He will give you the power that you need to overcome this bad habit.

Take it to him in prayer, asking for forgiveness, then, ask him for the power that you need to deal with this. When you slip, go back for forgiveness. If you still have a problem, you need to fast to help you overcome.

And try to stay away from others that do not regard their mouths.


Answer #7

sure, curse words can express your feelings really well, but there are a lot of worse ways of hurting people, especially with words. its how you feel. my friends really dont like curse words but if I curse in front of them, they accept it and go along and dont mind, but I dont feel right, I feel bad. so I try to keep my cussing at aminimal around them. and a couple of them do cuss too, but not much. and there is only one person I actually cuss at too lol. but he deserves it, because he calls me either “Btch” or “His btch” ah lets see “slut” also and “hore” as to the person who said cussing is a way for people to connect well, I think that holding your tounge is anopther way to connedct. I am connecting, becoming closer to my friends when I hold my tounge in front of them, for them. but I really only cuss if im really angry lol.

Answer #8

I dont know if you will neccesarily go to hell but if your cursing like a sailor and you dont care then your heart isnt right and if your heart isnt right then you wont be good with god

God hates when you speak out of the same mouth blessing and hatred “or other words cursing”

Answer #9

…Dunno what world some of you are in…

Cussing isn’t bad, you just need to know when it’s appropriate and when it isn’t. A person can say plenty of foul and mean-hearted things without using a single curse word. They are just that - words.

I can think of plenty of instances that cuss words are used that are not mean-hearted or foul.

xox Sika

Answer #10

Dear hollister15, A new study has just come out…it states that when teens swear/curse it can be a bonding experience. The study went further to explain that even as people get older that in the work force a certain amount of swearing creates acceptance among coworkers. The study was specific as to swearing at the appropriate times; like when making a point. It also cautioned that excessive swearing had the opposite effect and people lost respect. So if you feel the need to curse do it when your making your point and not just to swear. Sue…good luck

Answer #11

Since Christians are only supposed to speak the truth in love, and build one another up, it would be hard to use foul language and accomplish this mission.

Answer #12

As long as you don’t take the lords name in vain.

Answer #13

I don’t mind people swearing. it’s just someone many years ago decided some words are bad to say.

Answer #14

I think thats up to personal beliefs… But I know that cursing is pretty unattractive…

Answer #15

I farkking hope not.

Answer #16

If I curse its not to insult anyone but it may depends on the situation. If something bad happens sure an “ oh sh*t “ my slip. But I do ask god to forgive me when I slip up.

Answer #17

It isn’t good. Foul words come from a foul heart. Clean words come from a clean heart. Your choice.

I speak from experience…girls like men who do NOT cuss

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