Is cum fattening

Me and my husband have been having sex without a condom for 2 weeks nearly everyday and since we started my belly seems to have poped out its usually flat but its poped out a bit,he doesnt have and infections or anythink we have been togeather for ages and he hasnt cheated but he eats really unhealthly, does cum make you fat

Answer #1

yep probably pregnant… there is no way on this planet that cum could make you fat! even if you eat unhealthily its likely that your pregnant! condoms can be faulty, get a pregnancy test and check it!

Answer #2

Ya you just hopped in to the mommy train girl! Why were you having sex if you didn’t even know that?

Answer #3

OHKay umm your married right you should know were babyies come from… GO BUY a Prego test

Answer #4

Even if semen was fattening you can’t digest it through your vagina.

Answer #5

U are pregnant love ! how can you not know thatt ?!?!?

Answer #6

your probally pregnant !

Answer #7


Answer #8

UMMM, I think your “belly popping out” is a sign you are pregnant. I’ve heard cum has Protein not fat in it.

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