Is a baby expensive?

for any of you who have a little one, how much do they cost a month?

Answer #1

well my sister is 15 and pregnant, and she’s having trouble with that right now and my older brother just had a kid in dec and has a one year old but I think they’ll probably spend about 500 bucks or so, plus they get a big help from WIC, which pays for the expensive milk

Answer #2

There are a lot of things to consider. Are you getting a job to support the baby? Are you financially secure? do you have health insurance? Is your job secure? Do you have your own place? What about transportation? Will you be able to go back to work right away? Will you have to depend on ONLY His income for a time? Will you be dependent on your parent’s income? Are your parent’s ok with that? What if the baby is sick, is your job/school going to allow you to be away?

This is a break-down of the average prices for baby items:

Crib with mattress- $160-$750 Crib bedding set- $35-$270 Crib blankets (4-6)- $8-$40 each Fitted crib sheets (2)- $8-$20 each Water-proof mattress cover- $10-$20 Bassinet or cradle- $35-$260 Changing table- $70-$600 Changing pad & cover- $25-$50 Dresser- $90-$650 Rocker or glider- $90-$500 Car seat- $35-$280 Stroller or travel system- $30-$300 Playpen or porta-crib- $60-$180 Swing- $45-$130 Play center or walker- $50-$125 Mobile- $25-$70 Baby carrier or sling- $20-$140 Monitor- $20-$230 Baby gate- $35-$250 Bouncer seat- $30-$90 Toy box- $25-$90 Gym or play mat- $25-$90 Doorway jumper- $25-$60 High chair- $45-$240 Diaper bag- $10-$60 Diaper pail- $20-$45 Refills- $15-$20 (3 pack) Thermometer- $10-$90 First aid supplies (kit)- $20-$30 Humidifier or vaporizer- $15-$130 Bottles 8 oz & 4 oz (8-10)- $10-$20 (3 pack) or $20-$40 (starter set) Bottle warmer- $18-$35 Sterilizer- $30-$70 Breast pump & accessories- $45-$350 Breastfeeding pillow- $20-$35 Bath tub or seat- $15-$35 Hooded towels (4)- $6-$30 each Wipes (a lot)- $4-$5 (pack) Clothes for first year- $500-$1,200

Add all that up.

Sweetie my advice to you is wait until you are positively sure you can handle all of this. PLEASE THINK ABOUT THIS BEFORE you ACT. I’m here if you ned me :)

Answer #3

I’m 20 and my husband and I found out a week after week were married (go figure) that we were having a baby. you can just count BABY care. what about MOMMY care. my insurance only covered part of maternaty care and didnt cover pain killers so I was left with a $400 bill the day my son was born even though I prepaid everything! If you have insurance you can expect to pay about $2000 depending where you live JUST for prenatal care. then more if you need a c section or pain killers! Then include health insurance for JR and immunizations and ER sick visits! Add that to the previous posts! Also, we used cloth diapers until we moved when he was 3 months old and it saves us a bundle!!! My newborn pooped and peed every 2 hours at least! cloth isnt so bad… toss in a pail and wask every morning! If you dont plan to sell them when your done they are awesome when you run out in the middle of the night, need a rag or burp cloth, or just dont want to leave the house!!!

Answer #4

yes a baby is expensive Crib with mattress- $160-$750 Crib bedding set- $35-$270 Crib blankets (4-6)- $8-$40 each Fitted crib sheets (2)- $8-$20 each Water-proof mattress cover- $10-$20 Bassinet or cradle- $35-$260 Changing table- $70-$600 Changing pad & cover- $25-$50 Dresser- $90-$650 Rocker or glider- $90-$500 Car seat- $35-$280 Stroller or travel system- $30-$300 Playpen or porta-crib- $60-$180 Swing- $45-$130 Play center or walker- $50-$125 Mobile- $25-$70 Baby carrier or sling- $20-$140 Monitor- $20-$230 Baby gate- $35-$250 Bouncer seat- $30-$90 Toy box- $25-$90 Gym or play mat- $25-$90 Doorway jumper- $25-$60 High chair- $45-$240 Diaper bag- $10-$60 Diaper pail- $20-$45 Refills- $15-$20 (3 pack) Thermometer- $10-$90 First aid supplies (kit)- $20-$30 Humidifier or vaporizer- $15-$130 Bottles 8 oz & 4 oz (8-10)- $10-$20 (3 pack) or $20-$40 (starter set) Bottle warmer- $18-$35 Sterilizer- $30-$70 Breast pump & accessories- $45-$350 Breastfeeding pillow- $20-$35 Bath tub or seat- $15-$35 Hooded towels (4)- $6-$30 each Wipes (a lot)- $4-$5 (pack) but at the same time you can buy some of these things used and you can save a lot of money. also you can get clothes from the good will and places of that nature. Clothes for first year- $500-$1,200

Answer #5

they are expensive but anyone can manage it I had my first son when I was 17 the father adn I had a plan set-up to make eveything work nout for the best since he was in colege he took night classes work during the day and took the baby to day-care while I was in Junior year of high school I worked a small after school job and then was home by 5:30 and I would pick my son up from daycare and bring him home make dinner for me and feed him (thank god I breast feed him saved a lot of money) we would then play in till 8:00 then bed time at 8:30 Daddy got home at 8:15 and would help put him to bed. we still dont have the biggest income but everything is magable you only have what you need for you and the baby to live on trust me you dont need a change table the floor and a sheet works just fine and you will make do with the money you have

Answer #6

That was a post I previously made that I was going to copy and re-post! lol Thank you da1bumchick and latashamarie ! you guys are on the ball!

xox Sika

Answer #7

very expensive I am 9 1\2 months pregnant and he cost so much already diapers and wipes and rash cream and soap and shampoo and lotion and formula every month gets expensive quick! <3

Answer #8

I’ve spent at least $1,500 on formula since my daughter was born and she’s only 10 months. I spend 150 on diapers every month and a half, and maybe an extra $36 on wipes a month. Her clothes cost more than mine at times, and like kbug90 said, creams, lotions, shampoos, baby meds, and miscellaneous things that you didn’t think you would even need all add up very quickly! Believe me, it’s VERY expensive to support a baby! Oh and don’t think that breast feeding is any cheaper, a good breast pump is a lot of money, and what you’re not spending on formula, you spend on diapers because breast fed babies go to the bathroom way more than a formula fed baby! My older sister learned that real quick!

Answer #9

They’re expensive, but you can save money by being sensible:

Borrow, buy or accept used baby equipment from your friends, family and second hand shops. Breast feed as much and as long as possible (better for the baby too). Consider washable daipers (not the squares of cloth but the modern type with velcro etc). A big investment at first but then much cheaper and better for the environment too.

We did all that (my husband was a student and I had a part-time job) and we had a great time with our sons, without spending too much. You just have to realise that what a baby REALLY needs is love, time and attention, not STUFF.

Answer #10

Wow! Health care. I hadn’t even thought of that. From that point of view, a baby is free in the UK. Amazing…

Answer #11

At least $150/month in just diapers and formula. No Kidding! Then you have doctor visits each 2months for shots. If you have insurance it helps. Babysitting costs can be about the half your paycheck.

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