please help me

it bad to date a 21 year old we just met so were going 2 get 2 know other…but I don’t know im 18…

Answer #1

uhh welll from what I know about this boy: he goes to church, he knows things about you a lot of people dont, AND accepts them, (unlike other boys) and he likes the jonas brothers<3 I approve :) momma fleck will love him. he’s only 3 years older than you boo it aint a big deal.

Answer #2

I don’t know how my mom is going 2 feel about it && stuff…

Answer #3

I don’t know how my mom is going 2 feel about it && stuff…

Answer #4

It’s not that big of a deal if you are 18, you are an adult and can make your own decisions about who you date.

Answer #5

All you can do is be honest with her. Show her you are responsible, let her meet him, have him over for a family dinner one night so they can get to know him.

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