
My family thinks I smoke cus I have mood swings I told them many times that I dont they wont leave me alone about this it is really makin me mad I tell them the truth but they insest on sayin that I do smoke what should I do it is really anoing and it is driven me up the wall

Answer #1

if you have mood swings you could have bipolar disorder or another condition, but besides that if they do not leave you alone about this you’ll have to speak to a professional that can get through to them for you

Answer #2

Make sure they see you do what non-smokers do.

Answer #3

They ‘insest’ on saying you do? That’s a little weird man..spellcheck goes a long way to de-perving your question (;

Get seen by a psychologist. In some cases the state’ll pay for it. If you’re having mood swings where more than one person notices it, you need it. Besides, if you lit the ganj you’d be more consistently mellow, I find. It’s with other drugs your moods get jacked up.

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