How to get £158.97 for a new iPod?

my cousin is 13 so she cant work her ipod broken she wants to buy another one because she needs one but its £158.97 how can she get that money really fast because her parents dont have much money how can she make about £100 within 8 days??

Answer #1

I guess finding work in the community might be an idea. Maybe babysitting a few nights, or feeding people’s pets while they are away. Ederly people will sometimes hire kids to do everyday things for them. Walking people’s dogs is another option. Those are a few things I can think. :)

Answer #2

You can make money with online surveys all you need to do is sign up and you can start making money right away this is a legit way to make money online. Learn more by watching this video:

Answer #3

in uk in scotland you cant babysit until your 16

more ideas? ?

Answer #4

It is proberbly not going to happen. I think most us would love a money tree. Can she ask her parents for a loan and do jobs to pay them back?

Answer #5

and she does have £30 just needs £60 then the rest from her granny her parents havent got much

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