Who is your most inspirational person?

Answer #1

my mum, she was r@ped by her first husband and now she was abused by my dad who would hit me and my sister and hurt us when we were children, she had to put through 15 of his heart attax and she raised us basicaly on her own, making her own money and supporting me and my sister, she saved my sisters liefe when she tried to commit su!cide adn she has always and will always be there for me despite what happens she is my mum and i love her, she inspires me.x i love you mum <3

Answer #2

to me, is my mom. hahahah <3

Answer #3

My Nan im not going to tell you her life story as its personal but ill sum it up, she was like a 2nd Mother to me she would always come to my school performances and she used to bawl her eyes out because she was extremely proud of me seeing her every saturday used to be the highlight of my week. :] It’s 4 years this October since she past away but ill never forget what an Insperational woman she was and was always head strong :]

Answer #4

What a wonderful woman your mother is, Stefie. Say my great respect to her :-)

Answer #5

My foster mother. She is the only reason that I am still breathing right now.

Answer #6

hahaha thank you om sure sh would apreciate that a great deal :)

Answer #7

My best friend Ben, He has been through alot in life, is smart, artistic and a good person and he inspires me to be a good person. Eventhough he has hurt me alot he also kept me living and im grateful for everything he does for me and how he is able to cope with anything.

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