
Okay, I’ve been with my boyfriend a while now, over a year. I love him. But a couple of months ago we had a problem with porn, its all sorted now, but recently I’ve been driving myself crazy, wondering if hes cheating on me, checking out other girls, flirting, and for the past like too weeks im going crazy about my boyfriend looking at other girls. Im actully gettin to the point were I dont want him to talk to the girls in school, :\ I no its mad, and I dont think I wil actully get to that point. But anyway am I insercure or is it something else, any help ?:)
Also im a right b*tch, I have a go at him for nothing im so horrible, any ideas how I can stop that. ? thanks x

Answer #1

thanks :) that helps a lot :) x

Answer #2

All guys tend to look at other girls. Girls do the same thing. It doesnt mean they are cheating it’s just what they do, but they should try to refrain from it if they have a girlfriend. Also a relationship she be about trust. If you can’t trust him then maybe he isnt “the one”. You don’t have to ignore the other girls because it may not be them.

If you tend to lash out at him for “nothin” then if you know that you are going to maybe you shuldnt talk to him till you calm down. No one likes to get yelled out and even more so about “nothin”. :)

Answer #3

Just try catching yourself before you blow up. I let my boyfriend watch porn. I don’t understand why I wouldn’t. It’s not like he wants those girls more than he wants me. If he did, he’d go after them. Everyone looks around. But if you weren’t the one he wanted, he wouldn’t be with you so. So stop worrying or he’ll get sick of it and he’ll be gone for good.

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