In need of some guys input

What do you want a girl to do while messing around?

Answer #1

Why are you so desperate to keep giving this guy what he wants? Your not his girlfriend, your just a girl hes using for pleasure! That kind of behavior is NOT going to make him fall for you OR commit to you! He only sees you as a sex object, not as a person. It means he has NO respect for you whatsoever!! What are you going to do when one day he actually finds a decent girl he wants to be with (boyfriend/girlfriend, not friends with benefits) then how are you going to feel? Because for your information, guys do NOT date girls who are easy, they just USE them!!!

What young women don’t count on is oxytocin , a chemical produced in the brain to promote feelings of connection and love. Oxytocin is most commonly associated with breast - feeding; it’s what helps a mother bond with her infant. But it’s also produced to lesser degrees during sex. The more intense the sex, the more oxytocin. Males also get a dose of it from sex, but they get a bigger dose of testosterone, which suppresses the oxytocin. So there’s a logical explanation for why girls are in turmoil after a hook up and boys are not.

Answer #2

huh, 11 hours and no answer. Maybe you are on the wrong site asking kids who are god at boasting but really know nothing about the real world. What do you mean by messing around, I can tell you exactly what to do, but are you really ready for it. Some things are best left to discover yourselves, but ask me anyway and tell me why and maybe I will help…

Answer #3

well..hes been calling me his girlfriend for a bit now..

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