In need of help

My boyfriend is a great guy. My 2 teenage daughters hate him. He has never been disrespectful to them, I think they are just threatened by his existence. They say im different when I am around him and we dont include them in things we do as adults. I feel like im being minipulated. I dont know what to do. He wants t sit down with them and put the cards on the table and try to work things out because he doesnt want to loose me but I dont know how to get them to be open enough to do it. Please help

Answer #1

That’s completely normal - This happens in almost all step-dad type figure situations, they simply are going to tell you “we already have a dad, we don’t want another one”. So just make sure he’s not taking father roles (like punishment) because that’s what is going to bother them the most. Eventually if he doesn’t do that they will learn to accept him, if you have had a lot of boyfriends in the past that could be the issue to and they just don’t want to get close to him and him walk out.

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