In love with him

Ok well last year me and this guy were tight I started liking him buy I never did anything and he liked me because I askedhim if he could go out with 5 girls who would it because he only choose 3 and I was one I was one of them but he never made a move because we’re shy so this year we stopped talkng because of different classes we only have 1st period together the rest we have classes close to each he looks at me almost all the time when I walk by him but it’s al oat the end of the year and I want him to ask me out and I don’t wanna ask him because my friends say it’s kinda desperate but he doesn’t do anything so what kinds of things can I do to get him to ask me out before the school year ends in June help please

Answer #1

No problem, I hope it works out and let me know how it goes!! xox

Answer #2

ill try thanks!!!XD

Answer #3

Hey, there is nothing wrong with a girl asking a guy out, sure it’s nicer if a guy asks a girl from her point of view but if you’re both shy then nothing’s really going to happen so go for it girly!! xox

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