In Love And Dont Know What To Do

alright well this is a long story im going to make short and I need some major help.

I got pregnant in January by my ex boyfriend and well in march we decided to move in together as friends but share a room. I am still in love with him but he does not want a relationship and I do. I get so confused when I am around him because I cant breathe and my stomache twists. so we shared a room and now out of the blue it makes him feel uncomfortable. he is my baby’s dad and he cares about me but im starting to feel awkward in the same house with him because of the way I feel. please what should I do?

Answer #1

Talk to him about your feelings. It’s normal to freak out a bit when you’re expecting. I had my first son at the age of 23, which for me, was a bit ahead of schedule. It made me scared out of my mind, in some ways, as I’d only been working for a few months, and didn’t have very much money, etc. Talk to him about it, if you’re together, and it’ll help.

Anxiety over a baby is a, imho, a bit of a normal thing to go through.

Also, if he is interested, he’ll come around if you talk to him about how you feel. If not, then it’ll (hopefully) help you to move on, to find somebody who will feel the same about you.

Good luck.

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