Imma reck.please help asap!!!

Ok so here I am you think his playing with ex is supposed to be my ex and im trying to get ove him but hes not making it easy..he has called every day except today..hes cousin is asking me about him and like its stressing me out..the day before today he told me he loves me and everything.then he started saying you dont love me anymore and all that stuff.should I call since he didnt call or just blow it off and act like I dont you think hes playing with my heart or he doesnt mean to because he doesnt know hes doing it.?

Answer #1

omg I no just what you mean im going through the same thing…and its hard to let some one go that you love…:( im gunna try kyras112 idea it gunna break my heart even more to let him go but one day I maybe look bk and just say to my self what was I thinking…?anyways you should try it(Y) good look hun

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