Which guy should I be with?

so im interested in 2 guys. one is very open and honest with me, but not every one else. we’ll call him chris. that makes me feel good about this guy. the other is soo my type and hes crazy and sweet and outgoing and cute. he’ll be danny. so I have interest in both of them, and both of them have interest in me. so what do I do? chris is very deep and I know he’d take good care of me. I know he really likes me. he told me a huge secret of his and I felt loved right there. and danny, he’d be the most fun to date. he’d hold my hand in public and be very..I don’t know..out there, but I dont think the relationship would last as long. so HELP ME!!

Answer #1

Ok this is the advice i give to pretty much everyone in the more than one guy situation: Step away from them both say to them that you don’t feel ready for a relationship at the moment and go find another guy. Why do i say this? Because I have been in too many relationships where I have liked two guys and gone out with one of them and then while going out with them liked the over person and stopped liking the guy I am going out with and it really is not the nicest of situations to be in! You may be different but this is just my experience. Hope this helped! x

Answer #2

well in this case you have to think to yourself. do you want a deep relationship of a fun one. think about that someone that makes you smile and laugh. Make you feel like your the best thing in life. i cant choose one for you because it seems to me like you like danny a bit more. i mean there is a time for fun and laughter and another with a serious. i guess danny will do you good and relationship last as long as a person wants it to be. but remember the problem with the playful and fun type..

Answer #3

ask them both if thay’d stay with you even if you could’nt have s** with ‘em haha hard question but who ever answer’s it right is your guy!! good luck with a penny on the flip side!!

Answer #4

hey guys! so after a while, danny turned out to be the best choice for me. thanks to all that helped me out!!

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