How to gain some weight to look older?

Im thirteen, I’m short and skinny some people even call me anorexic and everyone says I’m flat chested and I have no butt I look like im 10 or 11 or younger, I’ve always thought I was only pretty far away..I have a bunch of problems at home I’m popular but I dont know why, I have no personality no self confidence/esteem I hate being sooo small Im the one who always gets told tha ALL the timet. I eat SO much but gain NO weight!I just started my period..I have no curves which I want badly I have a little boobage but not ANY cleavage I’m so ugly!!!:(

Answer #1

Would you reather be disable? when ever you start feeling bad about yourself please take a toure to the hospital and home for the disable. Iam sure anyone of those patient would love change places with you. Love the person that you are, and remember God does not make a mistake. You are young and your body is takeing it time to show the world what it got. The next time someone tease you about being a flower about to bloom into someone beautiful tell them ‘’DONT HATE ME BECAUSE YOU’RE NOT ME’’! and laugh.

Answer #2

;/ Yes it’s so bad to be able to eat whatever you want and not worry about getting fat..

Eep. Sorry, I’m an advisor now and I cant be mean ): Just embrace what you have! At least you’re not obese, be happy. You probably haven’t gone through puberty yet, but when you do you’ll get boobs/bum/a tummy. If you have well, go you! Eat as much as you want and enjoy it while you can! You probably just have a fast metabolism which means you digest all of your food quickly.

Answer #3

no my cousin’s da same way.but who cares,just take care of yourself.and if they call you anorexic,they duno wut it really is.

Answer #4

Don’t listen to what people say. You aren’t anywhere near finished growing yet, be patient.

Answer #5

I have no features that make me beautiful!:(

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