im not an acholic

im 14 all of my friends drink to me its normal and a couple do drugs I had my first drink when I was 12 I dont drink like crazy probably 1 or 2 a month accually less then that mabye every other month is that ok to be cool and let loose every now and then or should I stop and watch all of my friends drink and have fun

Answer #1

why would you even think drinking is fun?? because it makes you delusional and feel good?? that’s not my idea of fun.. I don’t see how people can have fun when they don’t even remember what they’re doing, or at least, can’t control what they’re doing… and since you’re so young and drinking, you’re at a higher risk for being an alcoholic when you’re older than anyone else.

Answer #2

Its not cool to drink alcohol, do you think its cool to get really drunk and get raped ? Do you think its cool to get drunk and have some one slip you the date rape pill ? well these are some of the risks of drinking so young, or you could have the great experience of getting alcohol poisoning and getting your stomach pumped. Im almost certain they maid alcohol illegal for people under the age of 18/ 21 (depending on where you live) because kids think its cool to drink. I really hope one of your friends gets cought and charged for drinking so one of you will learn you lesson and as for watching your friends drink and having no fun , I think you should not even be around the alcohol in any way, Yours truly, Demika Ray

Answer #3

Rather stay away from alcohol especially at your young age it’s going to open doors to detromental things. Getting drunk is no fun and you can get hurt. Your drink can get spiked and it’s tickets from there so rather just enjoy life without the booze, you don’t need booze to have fun!

Answer #4

Having 1 or 2 drinks a month will turn into 1 or 2 drinks a week, then 1 or 2 drinks on the weekends, then 1 or 2 drinks a day, and so on. It’s best to avoid it all together.

Answer #5

You my not be an alcholic but I would be carefull it could lead to that your to young to be drinking especially with friends ,maybe with your parent it would be ok.

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