Im in love with cousin, how should I know she loves me too?

Im in love with my cousin and I dont know if she is in love with me. How should I know she loves me too and is it best I tell her I love her or wait for her to tell me that she loves me? If I should tell her, what should I say?

Answer #1

Well…it’s kinda odd that you love your cousin in a romantic kinda way, but I’ve seen that type of love before. or you maybe just love her as a family type of love? oh well… If you want to tell her that you love her, you should just say it. If you’re too scared to tell her write her a letter (that’s the easiest way in my opinion). That way, you can express all your feelings. I can’t tell you what to say, except just tell her what’s in your mind/heart. Then, if you’re talking to her, wait for her to say something, or if you’re writing to her say something at the end of the letter like “what do you think?” or “is it me, or do you feel the same way?” type stuff, you know. Hope this helped some! Much luv! Sillist

Answer #2

I thik you should tell her im going to try and tel my cousin that I like him good look

Answer #3

just say that you dated someone in your family before and then say you like someone in your family and tell them to guess who it is say what is the first letter of there name or say where that person lives trust me I was in the same situation with my ten year old cousin I like him and he likes me sense we met last year we both know know and im glad I got it off my chest you will be too

Answer #4


Answer #5

You may tell her that how you feel, but you have to be strong enough to accept a negative answer.

Answer #6

ok no offence I dont see it as a bad thing just slightly odd but in england im pretty sure it still classes as incest

Answer #7

dude it does’nt matter if she is your cousin, what matters is that you think of her every time you don’t even plan to think, I am in love with my third cousin and well I have’nt had a chance to tell her because we live in separate countries, you do not have that problem, you are lucky, if your love is true…not even god will stand in your way!

Answer #8

well im not in love withh my cousin im in love with my cousins best friend! OK LET ME TELL you THIS!!! Well I have known Jacob for a while and we were all watching a movie ( I had liked him already) and he started like pulling my feet closer to him :) then he was touching my legs and then he took my hand and held it!! then all threw the movie we had our hands corssed together and then when we went outside I had a blanket (after the movie) cause I was cold he came over to me sat on the back of the truck and held my hand again (he rides BMX)but there is a problem :( he is 15 and im well 12 :( but I still love him and ik he loves me he tried to kiss me but my cousin walked in (he doesnt know about this) cause when we where watching the movie me and jacob and logan where all under the covers! but just tell her and if she doesnt love you then get over it

Answer #9

Damn .im 14 and inlove wit ma 18 year old cousin I’ve always loved him since we were lids.he was satyng for so he recently came back.but I have not seen him in 5 years.we tok on da phone I once told hm and I know he also likes me,I think he s just afraid to tl me but if she shows you signs somhow that she also likes you just tl her and save your self from da heartche.

Answer #10

dude just go for it, tell her how you feel, and tell her why, a woman always needs a shy cousin or not.

Answer #11

think hard if your shy it may be difficult but still tell her. im the same with my cousin and I want to tell her I know if I don’t now I never will

Answer #12

I’m 16 yeas old girl,I had never been in love with anyone of my cousins, I actally have 2 male cousins, one who’s so close to me and we are ONLY best friends, he ‘s like the brother that I never had, he’s 20 and the younger one is 18 but I don’t really get along with the younger one, he’s so .. how can I say it… meany .. perhaps.. anyway, back to your question, I don’t really advise you to tell her directly you better be sure first that you and her share the same feelings than everything will be easy . good luck !!

Answer #13

I feel the same way but im a girl im 15 and my cousinz 17 I fink I love him I really want to tel him but im so scared and when ever he comes near me I get nervous sometimes I feel like he ike me but then again we live in 2 difrent places so I dont know if hes got a girlfrind He’s my dadz mumz sisters sonz son so were not that close releted please some one tell me what to do ?

Answer #14

I would not tell her. Is it healthy to be in love with your cousin? She may think that is strange. I do not know all the facts behind the relationship hopefully you are very distant cousins because that could cause some problems down the road. Good luck !!

Answer #15

Damn it… I do love my cousin as well she’s a girl, we spent a lot of time together when we were kids..we grew up together, but then she left with her parents to orlando and we went to latin america.. Although we are far away, we talk everyday… But am scared to hell to tell her that I love her, because I don’t want to repel her away from me…

But as you know the purest love is the love from one side

Answer #16

My cousin and I just recently got together. Before I told him I felt panicked and worried that he would reject me. But somewhere inside of me told me that even if he doesn’t feel the same - he won’t hate me. Because I knew he just wasn’t like that.

I felt pressured because my very stupid sister mentioned “the secret” in front of him and then he brought it up quite a few times after that. [She said “so when you going to tell him ‘the secret’?”] So one day he asked me and I said I’d tell him when my sister and no one else was around. Then, what do you know - everyone goes outside for some silly reason. So of course he asks me again, I say “fine – but let’s go in the computer room”. Because like hell I’d run the risk of anyone catching us. So then after some nervous laughter and saying “Oh dear LORD, I really don’t know how to put this…” I finally just spit out “I like you” - and that was all that my brain could manage to conger up at that point. Well he asked me what I meant, then my brain came back from the dead-zone and I said “Like – More than family…” and then he was like “So?” and I sat there for 3 - 4 seconds thinking… “HOLY S**T THAT IS THE BEST DAMN WORD IN THE WHOLE DAMN ENGLISH LANGUAGE!!!” but then I practically pounced on him saying “Oh, I’m happy you said that!!”.

Yeah, I didn’t want to take my hands off of him after that - and when I did… I got moody. Oh, but he asked me why I didn’t tell him sooner and I told him I wanted to tell him in person. Then I asked him how he felt and well, he kissed me. Just a little peck - but sparks freakin’ flew, man!! FLEW!! But I kinda got light-headed and couldn’t stand [[DAMN YOU MEDICAL PROBLEMS!!]] - but I noticed that I get so weak when I’m around him and when he holds me, I can’t stand without holding myself up somehow - when he kisses me, damn don’t even get me started, it’s like I’m a whole other person! Instinct… Sweet mother of Jesus I love it! cough But I also melt, and I turn into this obedient little puppy - more or less. So happy~

Why did I tell you all of that? Because so many never tell the ones they love how they really feel. I took a risk too, and now I’m as happy as ever! If I never took it, I would still be living that pathetic existence I used to call “the best my life would ever get”.

There is no sure-fire that you can find out if she loves you or not. But, if you know her really well - you can judge on if she will tell others or not. If you believe she won’t - tell her. If you think she will - I advise you not to.

If you are going to tell her, it’s best you don’t say “love”. I loved my cousin very much when I told him, but I used “like” instead. That way, at least you have an out. If it goes badly at all you can make it seem like a harmless crush, if it goes well [as in - she likes you back] then after some time you can tell her you love her in the romantic way. Although… Light flirting would be a good tactic to use. Oddly, I think me and my cousin were both doing that with each other. I wouldn’t call this light but…

I was complaining about my legs hurting one day and we were walking back to the house - he offered to carry me - and he did. It was freakin’ bridal style too~ OK, now that got me thinkin’… Next I spend the night over at his house [me and my sis share a room with his two sisters and he’s in another room] but his step-mom was watching a Jaws marathon - and I love Jaws, so I watch it. He comes down and then sits right next to me - horrible angle to see the TV, btw. But if I recall, most of the other spots were taken. So after a bit I just oh-so casually lean up against him, he doesn’t really have a problem with it - but my neck started to hurt so I just rested my head on his shoulder. And then, one of the best things happened to me, he put his head on my head! Granted I was distracted by the movie, but I was still, on the inside “Oh Hell yeah! Ha ha ha ha! I knew he liked me back - I just knew it! OH HELL YEAH - DAMN I AM GOOD!!” meanwhile on the outside – I kept grinning like a madman but trying to hide it.

Although… He also kept dragging me all over the hotel we stayed at for the reunion. My mom even asked if he “lost” me at some point - Yeah, she knows and told me about it. My aunt [his grandma] knows too - I swear she can sense these things… But then he wanted to share food, more or less, at a restaurant we went to with the WHOLE family. We each got the same meal but he at the broccoli [because, damn, I hate it!] and I ate the chicken. But we’ve both always been kinda strange, I more-so than him, but then again - the adults let us wrestle around on the floor for too long, I think they told us to stop a year too late~ Me, a young lady? Not if it means I can’t wrestle with the guys! Pfft, but now it’s different… If I do that now I end up getting groped. Then again… What else is new? Such a big target after all, it’s almost always an accident.

Oh, sorry, got off-track!! But. I do wish you luck.

Answer #17

I don’t know it’s love or what but I like her a lot.Sometimes when we are close My family members make’s joke about our marriage after completing education.I also don’t know that they will make joke or real.My age is 18 and her is 13.Sometimes I will call her or phone her to feel myself good.I love her and also want to marry her.Currently I am waiting to see what next happens.We don’t when we are close so when she goes to her home(different state) then only I will call or phone her sometimes. I am waiting for the future. Should I say her that I love her? Actually I cant say her because we have not talked face to face. What should I do? Please help me.

Answer #18

I like my 14 year old cousin but my brother and I fight for her attention all the time. I like her a lot and I’m afraid she’ll take as Im desperate or something.

Answer #19

I have a question, and I thought maybe you could help me. I also like my guy cousin and we are going camping together, we don’t know each other well.. how do I know if he likes me, because if he doesn’t and I make a move, I don’t want family meetings to be horribly awkward. Can you help me?

Answer #20

Help me please… im inlove with my cousin… she’s 21 and im 19, i really like/love her…. damn, im a shy type… damn.. i want to tell her.. but im scared… she lived in Norway and I in the Phillippines, every summer, they going on a vacation in our house… everytime she came back, i always fell inlove with her.. shes awesome, simple girl and shy also… i love her, but im scared that if i tell her… big mistake will happen…. i just want to tell her… i also think that she also like me… always, i saw her looking at me then when i caught her, he will look to other side, me too im looking at her and she also caught me lol… im shy, she caught me… damn… by the way, shes my 1st cousin, her dad is my dad brother… hmmmm… weird, but i really like her… should i tell her??? i think she likes me too.. but not so sure… sometimes when we feel comfortable to each other, we like to sit with our arms and leg are connected… im nervous if we are acting like that… Summary, I LikeHer, I want to tell her that i like her… But Im Scared…

Answer #21

Help me please… im inlove with my cousin… she’s 21 and im 19, i really like/love her…. damn, im a shy type… damn.. i want to tell her.. but im scared… she lived in Norway and I in the Phillippines, every summer, they going on a vacation in our house… everytime she came back, i always fell inlove with her.. shes awesome, simple girl and shy also… i love her, but im scared that if i tell her… big mistake will happen…. i just want to tell her… i also think that she also like me… always, i saw her looking at me then when i caught her, he will look to other side, me too im looking at her and she also caught me lol… im shy, she caught me… damn… by the way, shes my 1st cousin, her dad is my dad brother… hmmmm… weird, but i really like her… should i tell her??? i think she likes me too.. but not so sure… sometimes when we feel comfortable to each other, we like to sit with our arms and leg are connected… im nervous if we are acting like that… Summary, I LikeHer, I want to tell her that i like her… But Im Scared…

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