Will I look good blonde?

ok so I always wanted to dye my hair bloned and well im going to do it in two weeks but I wanted to now if you guys think its going to look nice on me or should I just forget it and keep my color!! :)

Answer #1

I have been bleaching my hair Barbie blonde for about 20 years now and I’ve dyed it almost every color there is - and then back to blonde. I’ve made every mistake there is to make and have now got it down to an exact science and have been able to go blonde anytime I want with no problems or breakage. & I’m so glad I’ve finally got it right that I want to share my knowledge with all who wants it!

Bleaching hair from dark to light takes a while - if you really want a really nice blonde hair color go ahead and email me and include a picture of your hair as it is now and one of where you want it to be - I can help you get it the right color without it breaking or looking bad and probably for under 15 bucks in supplies

Now I have also found a free site where you upload a picture of your own face and you can try on tons of different hair colors and styles and makeup and everything - its kewl but I dont want to seem like a spammer so email and I’ll give you the address - or google virtualmakeover - here’s one I did of me with a beard :)

Answer #2

you should die it blonde underneath in the back, so it only shows really when your hair is in a ponytail. I’ve seen that style a lot, and I think its so cute and different.

Answer #3

With your complexion I would first go with some blond highlights and then go from there. Not everyone makes a great blond. I know I look like a troll with blond hair,lol It is easier to fix the highlights if they dont look right than to fix all of your hair.

Answer #4

actually im really light skinned and people always confuse me for a white girl lol im not thinking about going really light blone just a dirty kind of bloned :)

Answer #5

I like eur hair color but it wud look great with blonde highlights I don’t know if you shud go like platinum blonde but dirty blonde wud look good! (=

Answer #6

ok guys thanks so im going to try the highlights first lol!! :)

Answer #7


Answer #8

Dont dye the whole thing… highlights would look great.

Answer #9

I think you should get blond streaks instead of dyeing all your hair.

Answer #10

oh yeah why didnt I think of that lol will it look ok if I do it black on top and blone on the bottom?

Answer #11

Blonde highlights first…

Answer #12

blonde chucking totally cuteee <33

Answer #13

I always wanted blonde to but try a wig on and see so I decided to get black! so you should try sum wigs on

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