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Im a weirdo haha.
So this has basically been happening for all my life: I can tell whats going to happen, like I cant exactly TELL you but I can sense it. Like when am texting someone I will grab my phone just because I feel the need to and then it will start ringing. or sometimes I just feel the need to login onto msn and next thing you know someone is messaging me saying they are going to kill themselves. also I ALWAYS have dreams before someone in my family dies. like the day before my cousin died I had a dream about her mom and dad in a funeral crying their eyes out. I was like only in 3rd grade when that happend. Also ill be thinking of a certain song while in the car and the moment I turn on the radio it comes on..like every single time. Also I could be thinking of a person and someone will just blurt out their name. I just find it so weird that I can sense all these things before they happen -_- kinda creepy.. anyway I can get rid of it? or anyone know what this might be?
omfg girl I got d same sh!tt, no you cannot get rid of it, buh be careful.. you got 2 live with it now, I’ve had dis since I was and d 4th grade. my friend passed it on 2 me. I know dis sounds wierd and all buh you can pass it on 2 others, not that you should… ders only one way that you can though, your shadow has 2 reflect in a mirror 2 another peep, itz hard 2 explain buh das what my friend told me and iz true, I passed it on 2 ma nephew by accident and he’s only 4-5 months old :S how do I know? I was at a resturant and dis random lady came ^ 2 me and sed he was phsycic, that lady was some sort of witch iguess? and she gave my sis and law a roll of money, I swer we don’t even know her, well neways if someone random gives you a roll of miney you have luck 4 d rest of your life ~no lie~. irene your phsycic . I don’t know what level your on I think your so-so powerful ( I know I sound wierdish buh ders certain powers) like how strong you can sense d things, iight? well good luck girl, o yeah and when you dreamed of your cousins death did you tell your dream 2 neone?
Dude I have it tooo dont worry.
ugh, I just got so jealous you have a freakin gift! feel lucky!
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