Should I have sex with my boyfriend?

hi im 17 and I have this guy that I have been dating for 4 years and he says that he wants to have sex with me and I kenda want to to but I dont know what shold I do

Answer #1

ANS: NO ! He just only your boyfriend not urs husband !! every girl want respect !! Dont try . . . . . …

Answer #2

If you have to ask random strangers on the internet if you should be having sex, the answer is probably no. I personally do no think you’re ready.

Answer #3

hi there, well you see i lost my virginity when i was 16 i thought he was the one for me. Turns out he were’nt Im 21 now and finally found “THE ONE” if he really loves you he will wait for you guys to get married

Answer #4

No one can tell you to have sex or not it is compleatly your desission. You need to sit down and think about weather your ready or not. But never plan sex as that makes it worst on the first time, if you really want to do it then it should just happen naturally one night.

Answer #5

it depends on your age, if your under age then no, if he cant except that then perhaps you should have some time to yourself to think things through

Answer #6

Wow 4 years that seems like a very long time being together and your not in love yet? I think that if your scared about having sex than you should tell him that. I also think that if you really don’t love him than you should wait. I personally think thats best, I lost my virginity when I was 15 years old. I didn’t love him and I do regret it alot. It was more of a peer presure situation, don’t ever do something that you don’t have to. You don’t want to regret it. And plus it’s such a better experience when your doing it with someone you love who loves you back. And if you do end up doing it with him just remember to be safe and use protection get on birth control right now. Trust me if you too like eachother alot than you’ll probably end up doing it alot just follow your instincts. You still have many more years to come. Don’t stress over it.

Answer #7

your still under age but it up yo you. . . Do you want his Sex or Respect?

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