If your against stem cells your a jerk and im POed about it

Why is creating Stem cells unethical? you have to be a mean or a greedy selfish jerk to say it is, people are dieing because of the people who are against it, 9 year old little girls who have aids, blindness, diabetes, and other diseases could be cured and could see with the eyes she was born with but you jerks who promote it want a ball of man made cells to live, something that has no chance to live and you want to give it life or say its mean and unethical to throw those away yet it could be your daughter dieing and you might as well put a gun to her head and say F you time to die because you want a ball of cells to either not be thrown away or killed when it has no chance to live, for life you need parents, you need genetic parents other wise your not a human your an abomination to walk around as a cloned human walking around born through a cloning tube…also dont give me that its against gods will because this is seperation of state and church, america is left behind medical science because of this but you could give children the gift of life yet you sit there with your morals when the balls of cells would naturally decompose, they could be food for the grass or other animals that need food ( the left overs when we extracted the stem cells) If your against stem cell research shame on you, your jerks and your taking life away from hundreds ofpeople every day every week and your basically murders

Answer #1

A fertilized egg…does not a life make. Conception has occured, but a heartbeat does not start for several weeks, and there is no brain. No heartbeat, not alive. Yes, adult stem cells will work but embryonic stem cells are much more efficient. Think of the possibilities if abortion must occur—use that embryo and save thousands of lives. Prolifers talk about abortion being a waste–but no one wants to put them to use. I am Pro-choice, but I don’t believe abortion should be used as birth control. Unfortunately, from the looks of the ignorance of todays teens regarding pregnancy and birth control this will continue to happen. Use these aborted fetuses, cord cells from newborns and think of the many thousands of lives that could be saved. It could potentially come to the point where so many stem cell lines had been created from the initial cell lines that having to use anything other than these lines would never be needed.

Answer #2

Absolutely. The only real objections to use of embryonic stem cells come from people in certain religious sects, and they can’t find a way to couch them in purely secular terms, which makes them rather hard to defend. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of these people, which is part of the reason embryonic stem cell research has been slowed so much.

Answer #3

if it helps people im for it and dont understand why people are not, probably religulous nuts are agaist it saying your playing god I don’t know

Answer #4

Amen to that brother I say the idiots who say it’s against -gods- will should step off their damn high horse and realize all the people they’re willing to kill to let a ball of non living cells live… Although they won’t live because they are non living. Makes total sense right. Let’s kill 60 people so one ball can die naturally. It’s like holy wars I don’t agree with your god you don’t beleive in my god so I’ll kill you to show that I’m right Just another version of the truth I’d ya ask me

Answer #5

To make embryonic stems cells you need a fertilized egg. This is conception a human life that will be used to make cells for research. Adult stem cells taken from an adult seem to have just as many possibilities for producing organs and curing spinal injuries. Although one stem cell petri dish can be infinatley split to make an endless supply of them.

Answer #6

dont give me that its against gods will because this is seperation of state and church

its government and church sorry my mistake

Answer #7

stem cells can be made from newborns unbelical cords why not use those?

Answer #8

You are all very willing to give your opinions and yet none of you actually seem to know much about this. Being against embryonic stem cell research does not mean you are killing people. Embryonic stem cells have no far BEEN COMPLETELY UNSUCCESSFUL. On the otherhand, stem cells obtained from adults (with multipotency restored) or cord blood have yielded good results. If you read some of the vaticans documents on the issue you will find out they do not simply say God says its wrong so dont do, they actually have done a great deal of research and talk not only about bibilical reasons but also use scientific research to justify their position. Im not saying embryonic stem cells will never produce good results but why is there so much focus on it when other stem cells have so far worked better? And I really dont think this site is about abusing other people for their opinions. Some people are against embryonic stem cell use, its their right and you be more respectful. I personally think it is unethical, particularly at this stage in light of the success rate or lack thereof. Some people are of the opinion that we should make use of aborted foetal material but I personally think we shouldnt be finding ways to justify abortion. Not saying people cant choose to have abortions before anybody attacks me, I just dont think it should be discouraged in favour of prevention etc.

Answer #9

Lol, I’m sorry but lol the fist 8 words of the title are hilarious. And I fully agree it’s ridiculous.

Answer #10

Embryonic stem cells have no far BEEN COMPLETELY UNSUCCESSFUL.

Largely because it’s been effectively banned in the US for the last 8 years. It’s difficult to have success when you can’t do research.

Answer #11

That’s what I was saying, use cord cells along with cells from the aborted fetuses. Those fetuses could be used and not be a waste anymore. Somewhat similar to the cadavers in school although informed consent was used upon that individual who chose to donate their bodies to science.

Answer #12

you guys rolly piss me off! for and against… who gives a rats left nut! No matter whoes rite or wrong nothing is going to be resolved with constant arguing… SO GET OVER YOURSELVES

Answer #13

I did not read your rant, as the title was good enough to figure out what you were asking. stem cells are awesome. they should be used in research. people are discarding embyros via abortion anyways. why not use those cells to develop therapies for humans? the same people that hate stem cells hate homos, they hate people who dont know jesus, they hate scientists that say the earth is 4 billion years old, etc. So, if you dont like stem cells, then suck my balls.

Answer #14

Fertility clinics take sperm and egg and puts them together to make a zygote. these zygotes are allowed to divide to the 8-16 cell stage. typically there are about 10 fertilized eggs on a given round. then, the doctor takes 2-3 of these fertilized eggs and puts them back into the mom and, if all goes well, she has a baby. the remaining 7-8 fertilized eggs are typically discarded. why discard them? why not isolated embyronic stem cells from them. there is no abortion, no loss of life; they are going to be discarded anyways so use them as the source of embyronic stem cells.

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