If you could meet one person, living or dead, who would it be?

Assume you’ve been given the opportunity to meet one person you’ve always wanted to meet (for whatever reason, good or bad). If they’re alive, that’s easy, but if they’re deceased, they’re reanimated for this one meeting with you.

Who would you choose to meet? Why would you choose to meet them? Are there any things you would like to say to them, or questions you would like to ask of them?

Answer #1

Jesus - don’t know if I’d be able to speak.

Answer #2

If there is a “god” I’d meet it, so then it can help me meet all these other people I want to meet. Is that cheating?

Answer #3

living:hmmm… I have narrowed it down to 5: tom morello chris cornell josh homme serj tankian nick oliveiri

dead:(2) johnny cash june cash

Answer #4

zac efron or lucas grabeel I wuldnt be able to choose lol

Answer #5

My true love wherever he may be! :)

Answer #6

someone who I can trust my whole life with, and love with all my heart and know they will love me back. basicaly, someone I want to spend the rest of my life with (:

Answer #7

Adolf Hitler. I would ask him what made him so pissed of f on the jews. I would also wish for him to tell me his childhood since no one knows that much abot it. ( I dont admire or like him by the way)

Answer #8

Gavrilo Principe… the man who started World War One (and because of which can also be regarded as the cause of World War Two, the Cold War and pretty much every war since WW1). I would ask him why he shot the Archduke Ferdinand, and if he knew what our world is like now and all the wars that have happened, would he have still pulled the trigger.

Answer #9

I don’t want to meet someone famous and rich.

I want to meet my old best friend again. I miss the way she used to make me laugh.

And I’d ask her why she blanked me. And left me in the dark.

Answer #10

I don’t know if he counts because he’s a myth but I’d have to say Achilles, I’d ask him why his mother didnt dunk him in the styx river not by his heel but just completely dunk him in that would have made him invulnerable all over lol

Answer #11

GOD…why because he made us and I wont to know what for. What better reaosn to find out your purpose in life then to go to the source?

Answer #12

id defentaly want to meet miley cyrus!

id want to meet her cause she is just a HUGE rolemodel!!! :)

:):) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

:p :D : )!!

Answer #13

my 3 best friends lorrianne ,lottie and katie I moved away when I was 9 and dont talk to them nemore I know you said one person but I couldnt choose

Answer #14

Jimi Hendrix.

Answer #15

Hmmm… I have 2… but 1 might have never existed. God - if he existed - why did he create everything and I would ask a few favours lol. A Sioux Indian Cheif - I’d warn him about the coming battles. And I just like to simply meet him because I think the Sioux were awsome! Oh I have so many more lol…guy fawks,hitler,tutankarmoun . ok il stop now, its hard to choose 1 lol mel

Answer #16

Hmmm… I have 2… but 1 might have never existed. God - if he existed - why did he create everything and I would ask a few favours lol. A Sioux Indian Cheif - I’d warn him about the coming battles. And I just like to simply meet him because I think the Sioux were awsome! Oh I have so many more lol…guy fawks,hitler,tutankarmoun . ok il stop now, its hard to choose 1 lol mel

Answer #17

Marilyn Monroe, My biggest role model<3.

Answer #18

Noam Chomsky. Arguably the greatest thinker of our time.

If Chomsky wasn’t available than I’d go with Gore Vidal. Vidal’s intelligence, humor and rapier like wit always entertains.

Answer #19

lol… id love to meet you jello!!! ^^^

Answer #20

psh… batman. who else?

Answer #21

Nostrodamus, to see his method of visioning. Visioning probs isn’t a word, but I can’t think of anything else.

Answer #22


Answer #23

randy orton because he if\s the hottest guy in the world!!!

Answer #24

Nick Jonas

Answer #25

george carlin he is my role model

Answer #26

Trent Reznor!! hes frickin awesome!!

Answer #27

I would meet judymoody100 ;D

Answer #28

Princess Lady Diana,what a great role model for Wales,the peoples princess!!!

Answer #29

Marilyn Monroe … I mean, she was gorgeous!!!

Answer #30

I would love to meet you

Answer #31

my beloved Prophet mohammed.

Answer #32

Pete Wentz, because his lyrics mean so much to me. Also, just his life in general and how he deals inspires me so much. :)

Answer #33

bob marley! or my friend that died of cancer when I was in 4th grade. he was amazing

Answer #34

whoppi goldburgh

Answer #35

Ghandi… he was a cool dude…

Answer #36

marilyn monroe cause she is the shiz

Answer #37

I would love to meet galileo

Answer #38

Colin Farrell =D

Answer #39

Erwin Rommel

I’d like to discuss ‘duty to country vs. duty to superiors’ with him…

Answer #40

I would like to see Prophet Mohammed

Answer #41

Hm..Definately the supposed “God” just to ask him a few things ;P

Answer #42

Trent Reznor.

All time favorite musician!

Answer #43

I would like to see prophet mohammad…its my wish form my childhood…

Answer #44

Pierre Bouvier! I looove him!

Answer #45

Nick Jonas!

Answer #46

One of my royal ancestors. I would chose him cause he is my ancestor and he was the king of england. “I would ask him how is it like to rule a country?”

Answer #47

The Wright Brothers! And take them for a ride in a 747!

Answer #48

Pierre Bouvier… because he is really hott :P

Answer #49

I would meet General George Patton and ask him for strategies

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