If I transformed you into a giant anaconda...

And brought you to a party with a bunch of my friends there, and wrapped you around my torso and demanded you do a trick for them, what trick would you do, and how do you think they would react?

Answer #1

I would throw up a jiant sewer rat , and your friends would think im amaizing

Answer #2

I think I would probably do a card trick. Your friends would be truly amazed by a giant snake magician.

Answer #3

I would be like SH!T DUDE!!! and jump out the window and then they would whats wrong with your freinds lmos there so retarded dont evan have the sence to dress up as a bug not to mentin thats the third window this month your gana pay for it

Answer #4

Depends, will there be any cute boys. lol.

Answer #5

constriction, and your friends would stumble over themselves dialing 911.

Answer #6

I would slowly choke you to death and make love to your corpse. The End.

Answer #7

for my trick I’d swallow you whole.

Answer #8

Is that some kind of metaphore? :) I don’t want to ever know what it is like to be your trouser snake.

Answer #9

It’s NOT a metaphor…

Answer #10

OMG I dont know what trick would you do. OOOH or may be I would say pass that stuff your smoking because if you think im a annaconda that must be some GOOOD stuff!!! sorry it would of sounded better if I could add some band words. so now my answer is ruinned :( :( :( im so sad:(:(:(

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