If a guy does this...

Always is joking around with you. Always grabbing your hands, and your things(such as a book, pencil, etc). And is always trying to make you laugh. And always looks you straight in the eyes. Does this mean he likes me?

Answer #1

yeah he does I do it a bit differently than that

Answer #2

It can mean a few things; He’s just playing around in a friendly way.

Or he’s flirting with you, if he makes comments of your appearance or that kinds of things about you then it’s quite a good possibility he likes you. :) Return the favor, shoot a few smiles his way. :)

Answer #3

yes. he’s trying to get your attention, and trying to make you feel like a friend. yeah, he definetly has a thang for you.

Answer #4

yup I’d say so

Answer #5

Yes, and if you like him to ask him out…lol…

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