I don't know!!!

What is the big thing with girls not let a guy touch down there when they are having there period when the guy really doesnt care?

Answer #1

Imagine you having a period, and having blood down there for days, would you want someone feeling around and taking their hand out with amounts of blood on it. It wouldnt be the best sight in the world to be honest. Also through periods girls have mood swings, as im sure you have seen, and if you do that then it will make them worse. Thats personally what I tinik.

Answer #2

ewww are you serious?? How could you NOT care?? She doesn’t want you to touch her because she’s bleeding. you wanna put your hand down there, pull it back up and see blood?? Ha I could just imagine the look on my boifriends face if he saw it and it horries me!! I’d never want him to touch me after that and I’d be worried that he wouldn’t want to. Look at it this way, you can either touch her any other time or not touch her at all.

Answer #3

Your not a girl so obviously you wouldnt know. Respect her feelings, and just leave it at that!

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