How can I get him to break up with her?

I know this sounds odd. But I have been having an affair with a guy that I am absolutly in love with now for about 6 months. He is not married, but lives with his girlfriend. He says that their relationship is very platonic and that he isn’t sure why she stays with him other than she is afraid of being alone. He also says, that he is sure it will come to a head sooner or later.

There has to be someway to get these two apart. Because I’m not sure he will leave unless she asks him too.

I have never done this before and fill a bit guilty, but I’m not the one in a relationship. Any Advice for me?

Answer #1

Dear sarajoe1966, Well it’s rather clear that this man is using you…He holds the other woman in higher reguards than he does you. You should feel guilty but you shouldn’t allow yourself to be used this way. I know you feel you love this man but we love a lot of people in our lifetimes that doesn’t mean we are meant to be with them especially when you are being used this way. Chalk it up to experience and move on as fast as you can. Sue…good luck

Answer #2

Sorry i no u like him but if u are the one who brakes them apart u may be the jerk SORRY :[ u can wait or get a boyfriend but dont break them apart because he might end up hating u SORRY FOR MY BAD ADVICE.

Answer #3

It’ll never work, your entire relationship is based on deception. You need to stop seeing him…

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