What is an ideal parent for you?

Answer #1

There are no “ideal” parents, as there are no “ideal” people in the world. Everyone has got flaws. That’s what makes humans human.

But a good parent is someone who does whatever he or she can do to make his or her children happy and to give them a good future.

Answer #2

an ideal parent for me, is (im choosing a mother) a parent that cares about her child. she enforces the rules the right way, and gives her kid a good spanking every once in a while (im greatful for my mom doing that)she tells her kids the right things, and isnt worried about scaring them with the outside truth. she wont let her kids have total “free will”, and shows her kids the concequences before they make the mistake. my ideal parent is someone who wont let her kid go around having sex with everyone, and isnt afraid to have her kid somewhat scared of her…basically, i somewhat discribed my mother, im somewhat afraid of her and im kind of glad that she hit me when i needed it, because then i would be like these other little girls, thinking that theyre grown. :)

Answer #3

Most kids depict an ideal parent/parents as the ones they see on a TV show….”Brady Bunch” comes to mind, along with a host of others. Of course that’s no more real then the their ideal TV kids. As posted in reality is the parent who does the best they can, cares, and wants the best for the child.

Answer #4

I often dream of what mother I’d of liked to have. Off the top of my head, my best friend’s mum is there. She treats me as her own, doesn’t mind that I like girls, I can joke about with her and talk to her anytime. She really understands me and that’s what I’d like from a parent.

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