I Was Raped

I was raped,when I was 4 years old,by my 2 older cousins,they were 9 and 11.One day,my mom asked if my aunt,would like to babysit me,she said alright,while I was getting ready to leave,my mom told me that my 2 older cousin,Matt and Jason,was going to be there too,I said alright.My aunt,has a playing room,that I loved to play in.That afternoon,my mom left and told me goodbye.Then,I went in my play room and started to play.Matt and Jason,came in about 6 minutes after.They locked the door,and said to take off my clothes.Since I was only 4,I didn’t know,that they wanted me to strip.I said Okay.Then,they started to have sex with me,everyweek I came over,they always forced me to strip and lay on the bed and they would have sex with me.That has been going on for about,10 years.I’m now 14 and pregnant.My 2 cousins,Matt and Jason,are now in jail waiting for trial.Please,help me,overcome my fears,hauntings,ect.I’m scared.


Answer #1

I have to ask, why are you not in therapy?

This is a serious issue, and usually, when things like this happen the victim is immediately sent for therapy. The fact that this is now going through court tells me that police are involved - they would direct you to seek counselling.

Answer #2

hopefully they are in jail for a long time I feel so bad for you if your mom does not know tell her so that you will never have any thing like that happen again

Answer #3

Well that was just horibale you should tell your mom about it. I don’t support abortion but 14 is young and if you arn’t ready for a kid then you should. If you do keep the kid then I would go to cort and have them make it so the real father shouldn’t be alowed to see the child later in his/her life you don’t want them out for bail or something and see there child because something wasn’t done about it they are rapest and don’t let them near YOUR child if one of them is the father

Answer #4

don’t be isolated! just try to find someone yu trust and tell him about it.it would help yu not feel alone in that.

Answer #5

oh kid, i am so sorry. i could never imagine something so awful. You really should be in therapy but if you need help from peole who have dealt with similar things, try the website Fortrefuge.com. it has helped me with my problems

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