I want to move out

Ok I’m 14 years old and I am sick and tired of living with my 17year old sister and my single mother. It seems that they are always ganging up against me. When one is mad at me so is the other. They are like “best friends” and I am always left out. I feel like I can’t take it anymore!!! One more second and I’m gonna snap. I always lock myself in my room just so I won’t have to deal with them. Somehow, they always find a way to get on my case. I want to move in with my dad but he says that he wont have time to watch over me. I don’t know what to do… I dont know where to go… Help!!!

Answer #1

I feel the same way im the same age and everything but hang in there babes everything will be ok it might take awile but things will get better

Answer #2

I used to feel like that sometimes with my mom and brother hes always been a mommys boy were as my dad has always suck up for me there seperated and I still see both parents.. but my dad is and alcoholic soo I have no choose but too stop were I was… I think you should confront your mom and tell her how you feel becuase she propally loves you loads as your her daughter.. im not good with words soo when I want to say something I just txt the person instead of saying it face too face… just get up pluck up some corage and tell her how you feel best of luck bab <3 x

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