I want her back but she wont let me.

Me and my ex girlfriend have been dating for fifteen months and everything was great untill we both started to have problems with commicationg our problems with work and me not being muture enough for a relaitionship. she broke up with me about three week ago becouse she said she needed her space and that she is moving thirteen houres away in three months for work come to find out that she is seeing somebodey at work and thats who she is going with I’ve tried to get her back and I did the stupid thing of begging her and telling her how I will muture for this relaitionship to last and she tells me that we are over and I can not get back together with you I cant handle this anymore and I dont really know what to do this guy is minipulating her and buying her stuff and always telling her what she want to hear and she is being so stubborn that she wont listen to anybody when people tell her that I love her so much and this is the person that I wanted to marry and thats how she did feel about me until rencently people just keep telling me to get over her and I just dont want to do that I love her to much to see her get hurt or make stupid decisions.

Answer #1

Dear Map,

There is not ONE thing you can do….For what it’s worth this happens probably millions of times a day to one person that is in a relationship. What happened in your case is that she got emotionally connected to someone else. Maybe someday she will change her idea of being with him (the other guy). BUT for now there is NOTHING you can do other than excepting what I am telling you. By excepting her decision….understanding that HER emotions are out of your control and trying to reflect on how you could be a better person in your NEXT relationship….Will make you mature yourself. Try looking back without denial and except some of the responsibility for the hard timed you had with youe ex, and see how you can NOT let the same thing happen with your next girlfriend. You have no idea how this will help you….I know it’s tough right now, but if you can find numerous learning experiences from it, you will evetually turn lemone (right now)..into lemonade (your next girlfriend relationship). Remember this also…. Women HATE the crying…. sobbing…. I’ll be better person I promise attitude. Get yourself together and demonstrate confidence….be a man, by understanding you can’t control emotions…. You could still go to her and tell her (with a confident attitude) That you made some mistakes….. You are sorry for it….AND you have also learned from the whole experience…. You (at this time) still love her and want her back….However YOU have learned that she has taken a different path in her life that works for her…. You wish her happiness and (for now) will be here for her if she changes her mind…. Give her a kiss on the cheek and walk away….Get excited over meeting your next girl. Familycoach

Answer #2

There is nothing you can do unfortunetly. She has clearly moved on, you had your chance with her and obviously it wasn the right time for you so you couldnt make it work. You need to respect her decision and let her go, if your meant to be together you would be.

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