I want a boyfriend! Aha.

I’m not really used to being single. I’m usually in somewhat of a relationship, like always. But right now, I am not with a guy, at all. I feel really lonely. I just want a real boyfriend, someone who’s there for me, and loves me… What should I do..?

Efff, I sound like a desperate little child. But, I just need something reall.

Answer #1

Sweetie, you could get absolutely anyone in this world. Look in the mirror. You are gorgeous. Stunning. Beautiful. Amazing. But that’s not all Tor, you have the BEST personality there is. You are hilarious, fu, exciting and bold, but also sweet, caring, nice, and charming :). So, just trust me, walk up to someone, and be yourself. They’ll want you in a second.

Answer #2

It is not childish to feel as if something is missing in this regard. The majority of people will want to feel loved and have somebody there who cares for them and is there for them. So in that regard, there is certainly no reason to feel childish, lol. This question is a little bit broad, so my answer may not specifically apply to you as such :/…

If you are looking for a real relationship and you are looking to attract a decent guy, there are many avenues available to you. One important thing is to be outgoing and to be confident. If you want to attract a guy who is ‘right’ for you, it is important to display the attributes within you which you see as being highly important. In other words, let guys see what kind of person you are and see who takes the bait, lol. An outgoing nature and self-confidence are some really attractive features. Of course there is no real room for arrogance, etc.

Another important thing to consider is where you are looking. Going to new places and meeting new people (networking) is a great way to meet new guys. If you feel a bit lonely or contained, trying new places is a great way to break the shackles and it could well yield some real possibilities for you :).

In terms of meeting new guys and wanting a boyfriend, never forget to respect yourself. It is easy to settle for less than you deserve (especially if you say you seem desperate, lol). It never hurts to wait for the right guy. Keep your eyes open, be outgoing, etc, but do not feel obliged to be looking for a guy all the time. I’m sure at your age you have many other things to consider in your life. With time, the right guy will come (and you will notice if you keep your eyes open), but just remember that your life extends beyond boys :D. Patience is a virtue and if you are typically able to attract guys then I’m sure you have nothing to worry about… I hope that helps :)?

Answer #3

its not good to get into relationships just because you feel lonely! they wil;l eventually not work out! if all your looking for is company or to feel loved, find a close friend to spend time with!

dont go out looking for love let it come to u!

Answer #4

its not good to get into relationships just because you feel lonely! they wil;l eventually not work out! if all your looking for is company or to feel loved, find a close friend to spend time with!

dont go out looking for love let it come to u!

Answer #5

You will probably find someone when you aren’t really looking at the time.

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