I wanna be your girlfriend??

hey guys, I need a boyfriend even though just in the internet.I need someone 14-16 years old. I’m 14 now and turning 15 this summer. I need someone to love me because it’s been a long time since I didn’t have a boyfriend. so if you’re interested, tell me. thanks…

Answer #1

yea this is not a good idea there probably rapist all over this site dont do it here go put yourself out there tell guys you like them if your desprate and mabie they’ll go out with you but if you want to really find love youre going to have to be a little more commited to waiting for someone to find real love just wait and look around for guys that seem like they like you and you should most likely wait for the guy to ask you out

Answer #2

just decided to give 16 a miss eh cheryy_farmer?

Answer #3

uhm how are you 15 turning 17 “Cheryy farmer” lol and yah hun, this is a BAD idea… dont resort to this =)

Answer #4

im sorry but this is a terrible terrible idea, you shouldnt be looking for ‘love’ from a complete stranger. if you want to meet someone put urself out there, do things that involve you socially with the opposite gender, try mixed gender sports maybe?

be social and actiave and you will meet lots of people, and eventually the right person.

dont do it over the internet.

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