What can I do to get taller?

Am really short and I dont like it I want to grow But I hate milk even thow I do excersize[a lot] What can I do to get taller

Answer #1

lol I am 6ft.2” and I like short girls! Tall girls seem too beasty likr they’ll beat me up or something! lol

Answer #2

exercising a lot actually STUNTS your growth. if you don’t like milk, go for a calcium pill. don’t smoke, don’t drink, don’t do drugs, because they all stunt your growth. I’m 6’10’’ tall…on a side note. it’s hard to find a tall girl. good luck with the growing…live the dream.

Answer #3

I love being short. I never had to worry about being taller than my date. I always had the best hiding places as a kid at hide and go seek. When I was a teenager hauling my friends to the mall, they always had plenty of leg room in the back seat. I just didn’t have to deal with the numerous obstacles that tall women endure.

Answer #4

I dont know I am short too. it comes in handy though. like when you play basketball with tall people you can always go under them its fun.

Answer #5

psh yeah I love being short…its better though if your a girl and your short.. because one reason is that if you do dance or cheer or something your always in the front and a flyer…and if you date a short guy or a tall guy .. it wont look bad but if your a tall girl you dont get the same advantages..o and work out or get off your butt and do something!! or ull get fat

Answer #6

well I am 5’5” and I feel short but idc theres nothin you can do to make your self taller unless you get friggen extendo knees lol

Answer #7

You only grow 3 inches after you have your period. So if you have it its too late but if you don’t. DRINK MILK ANYWAY!

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