I want to fuc*

so I think I might fuc* this girl I met but shes already had sex before but only one time so is it safe to do it or should I not? (I’m 16 by the way)

Answer #1

as long as you use a rubber and some film

Answer #2

no going all the way until your married

Answer #3

as long as you use a condom

Answer #4

use a condom

Answer #5

I heard of this one condem and it snaps and then you roll it on, and I think it is hilarious because the motto is “the fastest way to get it on” means only two things

  • you get the condem on quick *and you have sex quick … you should get one, haha
Answer #6

Waiiit!!! To have sex!!! LITTLE BOY!!!

Anyways, if you really want to loose it, wear a condom..

ah duh? Don’t they teach you ANYTHING in school health classes anymore?!?!

Answer #7

If you use protection it is more safe than doing it unprotected. There is ALWAYS a chance for pregnancy (EVEN if you use a condom). So be careful.

Answer #8

ey brah, im da same way rite now. but im 15 so all I can say 2 you brah is use 2 condoms. not 1, but 2. I say use 2 because you dont no if she has a STD or STI and I no you dont wanna risk it. but ey brah, da first condom is so if it breaks the second 1 still works and so you dont get any STDs or STIs. and the second 1 is so even if it breaks the first 1 will catch it. so go have sex with her brah and good luck. ull need it.

Answer #9

Um, you obviously don’t know how to use a condom “security94”. Using 2 actually poses a huge danger to them not working. They were NOT designed for using more than one at once. You are a much greater chance of getting an STD or getting her pregnant if you use two.

Answer #10

I personally think you should only have sex if you are in a relationship But if you think its fine to have sex with her. then go right ahead. Someone said use two…WTF? Use one condom. If it breaks, get the morning after pill straight away. Just be careful

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