I think I'm Pregnant

Me and my boyfriend had sex on his bday. the 22 of may. I am scared shitless that I am pregnant. He didn’t cum, neither did I. But I have this major fear that I am pregnant. A friend the only person I told about this. told me to wait 1-2 weeks. If my period is late. [cause it’s supposed to come this upcoming week] I AM SCARED SHITLESS!!! What if I am?!!?!?!?!!!?! Oh god…I can’t even tell my mom. She’ll disown me. But if I am pregnant, I want an abortion. Can’t have that, without my mom knowing me. My mom will hate me. I want to tell her. But I am by far too scared.

I’m scared. I’m 2 months away from turning 14. I made a HUGE mistake. OH GOD.

I am scared. and crying. Please…help…

Answer #1

Yes, I can. But where do I get one?? Don’t you have to be 18?? And don’t I have to wait…like…5 days or longer? Where?!!

Answer #2

YEs, I know. Plan B BUT; Don’t you have to be 18?? How much does it cost?? I don’t exactly have a lot of money at the moment. Willl insurance cover it?? It will show up on the bill…

Answer #3

ooh.my boyfriends birthday is may 22nd. wow. the people above me’s advice, is REALLY good. And your mother wont hate you, she will be disappointed and upset, but will always love you. I promise.

Answer #4

If you’re 17 or younger you can take it but you will need a prescription it costs $30 to $61

Answer #5

your mother wont hate you. 13 is 2 young to be having sex… you need to have someone like 16 or 17 to help you. but I dont think your pregnant

Answer #6

I am in the same predicament you are only I am 14. and I Did get pregnant. I haven’t told my parents yet. But your best option would be to tell your mom. I regret waitingg so long

Answer #7

stressing will not be useful , have a read of a book the power of now… it will help you to not battle with may or not be and send you in to bliss.. by just living for now, not yesterday or tomorrow… you are highly likely not to be pregnant…but the stress is going to be causing you more damage. I noticed that you are a aries and they can have a tendency to think to much …my mum is aries and the most stressful person I know…check has suffered cancer, heartattack, and now I look after her after a stroke. So you are young…there is a long way ahead of you , but you are not htere yet. You are quite young to have sex, you could wait a few years before having more…or if you do make sure condoms are worn. If you feel funny bout asking the boy to do that, your confidence is not high enough so best not to have sex till a bit older. Now IF you did get pregas its obvious that you should abort but if it gets to that your mum will be upset , but the love of a mother is strong and I think you just are scared of upsetting her, but remember people have endured so much through there lives and soon as you surrender to the present you will have the opportunity of a great life, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift that is why they call it the “Present”

Answer #8

hey, plan b is avalible in the us at planned parent hood for free, without perscripon. what state do you live in? but your age is a problem. get a friend thats at least 16 to help. even if its an older sister. chances are your not pregnant. did you use protection? if so, what? I missed my next 2 periods after loosing my virginity. you need at least 3 weeks before taking a test. you can get them at dollar stores or at walmart or riteaid or almost anywhere like that for about 15 bucks. keep me updated.

Answer #9

you’ll need to get the morning after pill. you can use it within 72 hours of having sex…so it’s not too late yet, I do believe that you need a perscription for it…isn’t there a free clinic in your area that you can go to?

Otherwise you’ll have to wait it out and take a pregnancy test. after the first time you have sex your period is most likely going to be irregular…so it doesn’t necessarily mean you are pregnant and stressing about it is going to make it even more irregular..

Oh and after you find out for sure whether you are pregnant or not…go get some birth control…you can get the pill at free clinics or planned parenthood and force your boyfriend to use a condom…

good luck.

Answer #10

If you really feel there is a always Plan B..google it…”Plan B”…but regardless, you may have to talk to your mother because this is not something you can go through alone.

You may also wait for your period to see if you really are because at this time you seem VERY unsure and you said he didn’t cum so..this could be an option

Answer #11

Omg! hun. my heart goes out too you. all you can do is wait, your 13?.. it was your first time right? your period is going to be irregular, so you never no. go buy a pregnacy test, if you can get out w/ out your mom knowing.

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