I think I hurt his feelings

ok there is this guy and everytime my family has a party he comes and the last time he came was for my grandpa’s funeral. and today we had a party for my grandma and his mom and dad and sisters were there and I found out he was just sitting at home watching tv doing nothing I asked if he was grounded and his parents said no but I really think I hurt him because I was talking about the guy I liked and how I wanted to go see him right in front of him and my uncle was trying to get him to stay longer for my to talk to him but I was to nervous too and I have feelings for him and I feel really bad and I wish I had his # or his sn but I dont :-( what should I do? and I really get nervous telling guys I like them and I am afraid he might not like me anymore. so what should I do? please

Answer #1

no offence, but you need to strap some balls on and tell a guy if you like him. theres nothing a guy is annoyed by more than not knowing what a girl feels. if your shy I get that. but whats the worst that could happen? he says he doesnt like you. big deal, thats the end of it. no need to get embarrassed or whatever if he says no. if hes a real man, he will let it go. if hes immature he’ll tell all his friends. but, just be serious, dont be mushy about it, and tell him you like him.

I didnt really get what you ment by “talking about the guy I liked and how I wanted to go see him right in front of him and my uncle was trying to get him to stay longer for my to talk to him but I was to nervous” is that 2 different guys? we HATE it when girls we like talk about the other guys in their life. I get jealous knowing that my girlfriend KNOWS other guys. of course I just get jealous easily

Answer #2

yea its two different guys and I hang with this one guy a lot but he is like a brother but he is not related and everyone thinks im dating him when im not and I could understand why guys would hate it when a girl talks about another guy because I hate it when guys do it too it annoys the hell out of me and yeah I am REALLY shy

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