I think I am pregnant but not sure

I had unprotected sex 2 days before my period my period came normal then it stoped then itcame agian but its lighter than usual I threw up once and I had one bad head ache,I areola’s are darker and m why breast are tender,my lower stomache hurts a lot ..I don’t know if its my period or pregnancy …if I am pregnant then why am I bleeding? I am confused help please

Answer #1

It could just be your period your worrying to much when you worry and become stressed out it makes your body do funny things trust. You will know when your preganat it takes longer than just to days to have morning sickness if you that scared that a test

Answer #2

Get a test, you can still have a period while you are pregnant. I had 3 into my pregnancy with my son. You also have implantation bleeding when you concieve a child, and it can be mistaken for a period. Take a test and find out asap.

Answer #3

Sometime if you are worried about being pregnant your body reacts like you are, dont panic, if you are bleeding chances are your not pregnant best thing to do is go to your doctor or go to a chemist and get a home pregnancy test, thats the only way to put your mind at ease x

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