I think he likes me, but he has a girlfriend

Okk soo I really like this guy. Hes about 3 years older then me. I met him over the summer.hes my best friends brothers best friend. He started talking to me because he thought I was really hot. And we became really good friends and I trusted him with everything. And he asked me out and at the time it didnt feel rite. Because I didnt know him that long and what not., so I said no. And I felt like he was invading me space and wudnt leave me alone and I needed a brake. So I got kinda mean on him and just stoped talking to him for about a month and a half. Then we started talking again. And he still liked me and I didnt like him. Then he tried soo hard to get me to like him. And then he got a girlfriend. Andd after him trying to get me to like him,. I finnally started to like him, and not because he had a girlfriend and he was taken, because I didnt even knoww until it was in his profile. Soo then he kissed me on newyears and this whole rumor went around school that he cheated on his girlfriend. And like he told everyone it wasnt true because of this whole big thing, so then we stopped talking again for like 2 months because I was mad at him because he wudnt tell his g.f and we kept getting into the stuppidest fights. And now were talking again. And im like completely inlove with him. And I don’t really care that his girlfriend doesnt know he cheated on her. But likee he want let me text him. I cnt facebook him. And im only aloud to talk to him on aim. And sometimes he makes it look like he likes me. And I think he does. But he want to “gett stuff” and “do stuff” like he does with his girlfriend but im nto ready for that stuff. But idnt know what to do. Do I wait till next year when were in the same school do I try and forget him I don’t know what to do. I really like him. And I’ve been trying to tell him how I feel but he doesnt seem to care. What do I doo? Help… And he knows cheating on his girlfriend is wrong. Nad he says he wontt do it again and I believe him reguardless of thhe saying once a cheater always a cheater. And also.. I think he want talk to me because he knows something will happen between me and him… Not to be concieted or anything but yeah. Some advice wud be great. And I tried to be as detailed as possible with outt giving a hole novel

Answer #1

hey, dont worie about it, obvioslie this guy is asking way too much attention, he wants yours and his girlfriend, its the wrong thing to do to kiss him thats pretty much cheatin but be patient to his relationship. wait til hhes BUBBYE wit her and give some time to get over her and fallen 4 u. even though I never date I kinda know these things. im sorie to hear that you haven a tough situation but hang in there things wiil get better. I promise. and the name CHEYENNE ok nice to meet u.

Answer #2

I do care that he didnt tell her. and I just stopped woring about it because that happened in like febuary and his girlfriend knows hes lying and there not going out anymore, but htere still firneds.

Answer #3

but the thing is, I think he really likes his girlfriend too. she got on his nerves and they broke up. for a few days and then got back together

but thanks for the advicce =]

Answer #4

This guy moves wayyy to fast. He asked you out when you barley know each other. How can you think he likes you, when he wont even admit to anyone that he in fact did cheat on his girlfriend, and you dont even care that he lied about it, makes you selfish, and self - centered! It doesnt matter who came in the picture first, what matters here is, YOUR NOT HIS GIRLFRIEND! This guy is playing you, and hes playing his girlfriend, and you think he likes you?

and sometimes he makes it looks like he likes me >if that were the case, then how come you arent allowed to text him, facebook him, and you can only talk to him on aim? Girl, open you eyes. You are only his side dish! He doesnt care about you, only what he can get from you! You said, “he wants to “get stuff”, & “do stuff” like he does with his girlfriend. <That proves he only wants you for one thing! When someone truly likes you Hun, they will put you first in their life, and they arent going to have a girlfriend while messing around with you on the side! Wake up, and tell this user to hit the road, or you are going to have some major heartache when its all said & done!

Answer #5

Cheating on his girlfriend? He just kissed you…that’s not the end of the world cheating or anything. But he is trying to give his heart to you while using his girlfriend because she is giving it up and all. He knows you won’t do those things and that is why he is stuck in between two halfs and can’t figure out which one he wants. But most likely he’ll follow his groin until his girlfriend gets on his nerves and then he’ll make his way to you. All in due time if you really like this guy…

I wouldn’t really worry about him cheating a whole lot because you guys were kind of close before he even got a girlfriend. The only way I’d think he’d cheat is if you weren’t having sex with him after going out for awhile and then some girl showed interest in what he had in his pants…then he probably would even though you still owned his heart.

Answer #6

Thats a lot of drama lol. I think you should forget about him. One he has a girlfriend so hes off limits and if he kissed you while he was with his girlfriend what makes you think he wont cheat on you if you guys were together. He sounds like a jerk who wants it his way. Tell him to get lost! Matter fact you dont even have to do that. Do him like he did you. Dont let him contact you. Move on with your life!

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