Could I be pregnant?

well I got an IUD about a year ago and I have been feeling weird lately like iam very tired and I have a lot of cramps in my lower stomach and back and I also have brownish- pink discharge I going to start my period in two days. but could the symptoms am having be sings of pregnancy?

Answer #1

my mom’s iud came out in the shower and she didnt know what it was till she got pregnant with me so you should have it looked at to make sure it didnt move

Answer #2

A lot of women have complications from IUD’s. Go back to your doctor, most likely you’re not pregnant but your IUD could of moved or your body might be having a reaction to it.

Good luck

Answer #3

Hey how are you? Well from what I know there’s no method of birth control that’s 100%. That’s why it’s always good to use more than one method to counter act and avoid these situations.

I’m not sure if you’re pregnant or not the best way to tell is to actually take a test or better yet go and see a doctor to put your mind at ease. When you stress out about certain situations, your mind tells your body they are true and it plays tricks on you. It’s how stress works in general, you can make yourself sick.

Do yourself a favor, try not to worry until there’s something to worry about. I know I’m a guy, but I had a female friend that went through the same issue. Find out for sure instead of taking wild guesses. You’ll get your answers from there. Wish you the Best of Luck! Pac-Man

Answer #4

What colethky said, it could be something wrong with the IUD and that could be serious, you should get it checked out ASAP

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