I still love him

He took and took from me never gave me anything and never helped pay the bills. He cheated and has three kids. He was verbally abusive and at times physical. We are not together anymore although he wants me back. I am confused, scared and in love. He did so many horrible things to me and yet I can not hate him. I am just angry, angry because I did more than dedicate myself and love him. He knows I am a good woman but now the tuff decision is in my hands what do I do? He caused more pain than happiness do I give him a finally chance? One more thing he moved to a different state, but my career is important to me. I don’t know can some please help!

Answer #1

Oh hun you sound like me a year ago. Minus the kids. Listen………..this guy has hurt you, i dont have to tell you that becos you already know that this guy isnt the one for you. Do you honestly want to spend the rest of your life more miserable then happy? for what? i no you cant hate him, becos i cant hate my ex either for what he did to me, and i still love him, but just becos you love someone doesnt mean you have to be with them, esp if they hurt you. You need to let him go and give yourself time to heal and move along. Time heals everything and if you allow yourself that, you will find inner peace and evenutally find an amazing guy who will treat you like a princess. Please dont go back to him, you no you deserve better.

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