I still love him

okay, I went out with my ex boyfriend for about 5 months last year, broke up with him, and then went out with him again for about 1 month. I broke up with him again because I found him flirting with tons of other girls and he never has time for me. now, I still love him though. im not the kind of girl to go from guy to guy. I take relationships very seriously. should I go out with him again if I feel this strongly about him or should I try to get over him?

Answer #1

its really not worth the pain and effort, besides, my guess is that he wont commit to you the way you have to him. it takes two to make a relationship work. im sorry, but I think you have to call it quits with this guy.

Answer #2

I know what you want to hear to go back wit him and give it another chance but you have to0 honest wit urself if it didnt work the ther times what makes you think it will now if its apparent hes not changin?

Answer #3

do what ever you think you won’t have regrets about in the future. If he did not give you what you needed then is he worth it? Do you love him enough to over look those faults? It is all up to you

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