I still like him, but should I?

I have an issue with a boy. Heres The Story. I liked, or might still like this boy named Adam. Okay and I know he liked me, he even told me. But the thing is he has a girlfriend, Abbie… The most popular of the popular. Me and Adam used to text almost 24/7 and he’d always start the converstaions. But theres this story that we had a JOKE but I was at the park with my BFF Paige and it was winter and cold, and Paige thought she’d be stupid and tell him my butt was frozen, and he said he’d unthaw it for me. I never told anyone about that story except my friend Hannah, but she told her friend Kayla. The school gossip girl, she asked Adam if it was true. and of corse it was. He flipped out on me freaking out because he was afraid Abbie would find out. But in the end, it turned out he told Abbie, and she didn’t care. Me and Adam haven’t talked sence then, but people say he still likes me… The thing he doesn’t know is Abbie doesn’t like him anymore and is going to break up with him… And now everyones all into saying he’ll probly will like me again after they break up, I just would like to know if he’s worth it. Should I still like my crush of 2 years or should I give up on this? I would really appreciate anything you have to say. iloveyou- ;;Alyxiis

Answer #1

if you have liked him that long then I say it is for a reason. I liked this guy for 9 months until we finally became a “thing” and well now I couldn’t be happier. you should never give up on something you feel is right. follow your heart :)

Answer #2

I don’t think you should.. I mean the guy is obviously a player … I mean he had a girl friend and yet he was texting you… and telling you things like that… I mean what the heck? I just wouldn’t want to see you get hurt…

Answer #3

Wow you should really grow up. your probably like 12.

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