i still have feelings

hi me and my boyfriend broke up about 7 months ago we had been together over a year and things were really good we really got on with each other, and had told each other that we had never felt like this bout any one and we could really explain how we felt in words we just knew!but we got a bit too routine, not going out much i told him i was getting bored which hurt him and it went down hill from there. i’m two years older than him but the age gap didnt appear visable! however we started meeting up again 2 months after we broke up i was in a bad place with my sister critially il in hospital. so looking back on this it probably wasnt a good time to meet him again as my head was all over the place! now i have activly made changes in my life and will be starting my own business in the new year! when i was with him i felt like he couldnt be proud of me as i had no direction in life and didnt have a perminant job! however i have just started talking to him again i know i would like to see how things go but i just dont want to try to hard and push him even further away any help? how i could possibly get in back with him as such? i know i cant false someone to like me but is it normal for ex’s to text each other everyday asking wat they are up to? and i make sure he is always the one to txt first dont want to apperar too keen!! any advice would be much appriciated! i have been so un happy with out him and covering it up with a smile! many thanks

Answer #1

Sounds like he still has as much interest in you as you do for him. My advice would be to keep doing what your doing, maybe go for a coffee and have a chat about things. Tell him that you feel like you are in such a good place in your life right now and feel like you are on the right track. Ask him how he feels about his life and things and get the deep and meaningful conversation rolling and maybe then slip in your feelings for him, tell him you missed him and see what he says. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain becos by the signals he is sending you, it sounds like he is just waiting for the right time and doesnt want to pressure you, you make the move.

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