What are cute hairstyles that are easy to do?

I want some really cute hairstyles that are easy to do. my hair is light brown and about 6 inches below my shoulders. its naturally curly but I usualy just straighten it and put it in a ponytail. my hair also dries frizzy so I need help with that too.

Answer #1

it would be cute if you just put some gel or mouse in it and left it like that bt I don’t know because I’ve never seen your hair before!!=[

Answer #2

DONT STRAIGHTEN IT! I have naturally straight hair, and I HATE IT. you rock those curls.

Answer #3

you need to get sleek and shine it works to get frizzies out

Answer #4


Answer #5

Why do you straighten it? Curly hairs are really sexy! (Mine are naturally straighten, though) DON’T put it in a ponytail. Don’t. Very bad. That’s too strict. Try something, like, “glamour”, as the french say, or sexy, or hot, or whatever you wanna call it! Well, actually, that’s up to you. Your hair gives a message. It’s a code, that almost everyone understand naturally. So what do you want your hair to “say”?

If you want to say “strict, serious”, then, yes, do the ponytail. If you wanna say “a bit childy, funny etc…” look like Pipi.

What i do, i that I let my hair unattached. I also have light brown hairs right now (because of the sun and sea water), and it looks quite okay. To give your hair some volume, just brush it with your head down, form the back to the top (it’s hard for me to explain, so srry if you don’t get it…)

So, you should try to let your hair unattached, even though it can be annoing when they get in your face, stick to your lips because of the lipgloss, get caught in your eyes or in your mouth… But really, try it out!

Friendly, G.

Answer #6

well I have light brown hair I put it in a low pony tail or I put it in a messy bun for school. I hope I could help. =) hope you find what you’re looking for.

Answer #7

either a cute high curly ponytail or a messy high bun on the side with strands of hair layering your face(if you have side bangs make those the layerings) or you could crimp your hair but my fav is when you make your bangs look wavy a lot of boys look for that in a girl so just do one of those for a good day and a cute hairstyle :)

Answer #8

try wetting it and then putting moose in. (its call scrunching)

Answer #9

I have light brown hair with natural higlights. it’s really pretty!! I love it! I usaually have it in a high pony-tail, or doown with a headband, or sometimes even both. You could also do a bun in the back of your head or a half pony tail. A half pony tail is like the middle of the back of your head. you rin your fingers threw it and get the half pony tail and then put a pony tail holder in it. You could even do a juinor bun. that’s where a half pony tail is in a clip upward. well I hope this helped you. if you have any questions e-mail me at MizzActress36@aim.com

Answer #10

well I have naturally really curly hair about to my shoulders.its blonde and the curls are beautiful, theyre not kinky or tight they are loose and out there, plus they shine with my gold hair. anyway, when you shower dont use shampoo, only use shampoo once every 3 weeks, shampoo has chemicals in it that dries out and sepperates the curls. 2. dont brush it, only brush it when its WET! and brush it with a comb, dont keep it up often and DONT I repeat DONT straighten it!! it ruins the curls. after you get out of the shower, buy some moose or gell or leave in conditioner, to help protect the curls, but it will have no frizz and they will be shiny and pretty the whole time!!!

Answer #11

from my point of view i love a girl that has wavy brown hair

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