Does anyone have any kind words for me?

I have a crush on somebody, and I’m might never see him in person again. On the last day I saw him, I stuck a note on his bag saying that I liked him. But a week later, he IMed me and turned me down. I’m not really looking for advice, Im just looking for some posetive words… Because I liked him a lot… Thank you SO much if say anything about this!

Answer #1

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. But as above, you didn’t really know him, and you’ve plenty of time to meet someone else who will be more than a school crush.

At least you tried and approached him. A pat on the back to you.

Answer #2

Don’t let yourself feel rejected by this guy. What did you like about him? Chances are you probably only liked what you saw and what he let you see. When I was in school I had crushes on guys, but it was because I thought they were cute and they disrupted class so that meant that they were funny. However, I’m sure that outside of school these guys were completely different than the way they led everyone to believe. Don’t waste your time on someone that won’t appreciate you and all you have to offer!! Good luck!!!

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