How to get the hickey to go away?

my friend was playin around and gave me a hickey on my face…I want it off my face it was a dark purple but now its not as dark how can I get it off

Answer #1

on your face. ugh that sucks. I have only gotten them on my neck. and the spoon thing works kinda. so I would try that. and uhmmm. try a thick cover up

Answer #2

well it is a bruise, so you could try ice? I honestly doubt it will help too much though, just use makeup to hide it till it fades…

Answer #3

If its dark its not going to go away really fast. In the past when I had to hide one I got a cup of warm water, put a tea bag in it… you hold the tea bag on your hickey for a bit (I have no idea what the theory behind that is…). Then you get a comb and start rubbing your hickey with the comb. The comb like spreads the molecules or whatever they are called out so it fades a bit faster. It wont go away right away, I did it for like an hour and didn’t see result until the next day. Use some foundation.

Answer #4

There quite a few methods, some work and some don’t it depends. In the past I have used a toothbruh and slowly brushed the hickey. A ‘hickey’ is the breakage of capillaries allowing blood to roam around freely to the surface. Brushing the toothbrush on the area slowly moves the blood. However this ay hurt, especially on your face. For now I would just suggest foundation.

Answer #5

um it will go away on its own! but till then cover it up with makeup.

Answer #6

you should try toothpaste and chocolate, I have never done is but my friend said it works.

Answer #7

I would just just foundation on until it goes away.

Answer #8

put a spoon in the frezzer over night and apply to hicky in morning. or just an ice cube works.

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