I need help with my non curling hair!

Okay, so I guess you can say I hair hair that people dream of, long, straight brown hair. okay, but I do like my hair but there is just one little problem… I DOESNT CURL!!! I tried everything!!! curling irons dont work becuase it comes right out when I ger I done. and I tried the whole make your hair wet and then throw it up in a messy bun and go to sleep and when you wake up take it at and add some gel to it, it used to work but now I cant do it anymore, so does aanyone have any ways how I can curl my hair with out a curling ironn?!?!?!

Answer #1

I have a suggestion but it still involves curling irons im afraid. I have the same problem but this seems to work for me… Part your hair into different sections, once you have done this begin with your first section. Seperate your hair into thin strands and each time you seperate a strand spray it with hair spray and then curl with the curling iron. If that doesnt work I dont know what will. I HOPE I’ve HELPED xx :)

Answer #2

ok so this is what would be best to try in my opinion… split your hair in sections and when you go to durl them with the curling iron.. (yes I said dulring iron) spray them with hair spray and THEN curl them… but RIGHT after you curl a peice of your hair. roll it back up into a little curl on your head and bobby pin it in place… do this for every single curl you make…leave it over night or as long as you can and then take the bobby pins out. you should have plenty of bouncy curls I promise =)

Answer #3

You could always braid it after you get out of the shower. Don’t brush it, just towel dry it for a little. Then make about 4 braids, 2 on each side of your part. Sleep on it, and blow dry it in the morning to make sure its perfectly dry. Also, I found that my hair ONLY curls with nice curling irons. I broke down and spent about 30$-40$ curling iron, and it works like a charm. Hope I helped! (:

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